Daughter. Servant. Leader. The Master's piece.
Unlock Your Wonder
Meet Bénédicte, also known as Bénie, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo but born and raised in East Africa. At 17, she had a life-changing encounter with the Lord Jesus, transforming her life forever. Driven by a profound passion, she seeks to inspire children, youth, and young adults to live unashamedly for Christ. Through music, the arts, and teaching, she guides both the young and old to encounter Jesus and find ultimate fulfillment in God's purpose for their lives. Her multifaceted expressions are dedicated to glorifying God, and she firmly believes that even greater things lie ahead.
Life has taught her that every experience leads to a greater purpose—a journey, not a destination. Bénie understands that the divine connection to purpose is the key to unlocking the fullness of one's potential. She is resolute in helping others discover their divine nature and embrace their unique calling, shining with the wonder of God within them.
Whether singing, writing, teaching, designing, 'entrepreneuring,' or leading, she has yielded her heart to remain aligned with God's will and to serve Him. Her ultimate desire is to express God's glory in all its fullness. Through this platform, she shares valuable lessons, tools, and wisdom to empower others on their journey of purpose. Her prayer is that everyone who encounters her will embrace their divine imprint and become everything they were created to be. Dive into her posts, connect with her, and be inspired to discover your purpose, unlock your wonder, and shine wherever God has placed you!
Only in knowing God, the Creator of all things, do we find meaning in our existence and purpose in our time on earth.
- Bénie D. Elias
Walking in purpose is the key that unlocks the divine within you.